Audacia launches Technology Radar

Audacia launches Technology Radar

Richard Brown

19 June 2024 - 3 min read

Audacia launches Technology Radar

Audacia has launched our Technology Radar - a tool designed to guide our technical decisions, enhance knowledge sharing, and keep us at the forefront of industry advancements. 

Understanding the Technology Radar

A technology radar, a concept originally popularised by ThoughtWorks, categorises technologies into segments (in the case of ThoughtWorks, techniques, tools, languages, frameworks, and platforms), and uses rings to convey to what extent the technology should be used (for example, adopt, trial, assess, and hold). Various companies have adapted this concept to fit their unique needs, using it to communicate their technological priorities internally.

The Audacia Technology Radar

Audacia’s Technology Radar is an initiative that aims to identify current and upcoming technologies, providing clear insights into our technical direction and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Our radar is divided into four key segments: Data and AI, Cloud and DevOps, Test Engineering, and Software Engineering. These segments reflect our core service areas and are designed to showcase the technologies most relevant to our projects.

  • Data and AI: Emphasises the importance of data management, analysis, and artificial intelligence in driving business insights.
  • Cloud and DevOps: Focuses on cloud services, infrastructure, and methodologies for efficient and reliable deployment and hosting.
  • Test Engineering: Ensures the quality and reliability of our software through advanced testing techniques.
  • Software Engineering: Encompasses the programming languages, frameworks, and tools we use to develop cutting-edge software solutions.

Benefits of Our Technology Radar

The primary advantage of our Technology Radar is enhanced internal knowledge sharing. By acting as a central repository, it ensures that our teams are aware of the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies being used across our projects. This approach helps prevent siloed knowledge and promotes the adoption of best practices company-wide.

Our radar documents explorations, providing insights into the viability and usage of different tools and technologies. By including links to our technical knowledge base, team members can easily access related information and identify key contacts for further inquiries.

A Living, Evolving Tool

Our Technology Radar is designed to evolve with our needs. Feedback mechanisms allow team members to suggest new technologies, update the status of existing ones, and report issues. This collaborative approach ensures that the radar remains a dynamic and up-to-date reflection of our technological landscape.

Internal Collaboration

The development of our radar has been a collaborative effort, spearheaded by dedicated team members to bring this vision to life. The tool plays a crucial role in unifying our approach to technology across all projects and is maintained by our internal Technical Skills & Knowledge group who are responsible for improving knowledge sharing of technical skills across Audacia, as well as helping to plan the adoption of new technologies.

The radar facilitates engagement among different technical communities within Audacia, from Data and AI specialists to Cloud and DevOps teams. This internal collaboration fosters a more cohesive and informed approach to technology adoption and usage.

Ebook Available

How to maximise the performance of your existing systems

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Richard Brown is the Technical Director at Audacia, where he is responsible for steering the technical direction of the company and maintaining standards across development and testing.