Manufacturing CEOs: 5 signs it’s time to review software systems
Adam Stirk - 23/11/2018
To follow on from Digital Manufacturing Week 2018, below are five signs that indicate it may be time to review your current software systems.
Why technology is key to continuous improvement
Philip Rashleigh - 21/10/2018
Through ongoing efforts to improve the quality of services through constant review and action, businesses can eliminate complexity from processes and identify better ways of working. Read our latest insight for more.
Audacia launches bespoke software platform for Techbuyer
Audacia - 14/10/2018
Audacia launches a bespoke product database for leading IT reseller, Techbuyer, to enable their global growth.
Why 83% of construction companies are focusing on mobile working
Mark Dyer - 10/10/2018
Here, we take a look at the key reasons for adopting mobile working in the construction sector and why it could be right for your business, as well as the main considerations when implementing the technology.
Development debunking: Myths of bespoke software
Adam Stirk - 02/09/2018
With the idea of bespoke software often comes a concern of the risks associated with the approach. Here we look at four common bespoke software misconceptions and what the realities actually are.
An Agile or Waterfall approach to bespoke software development?
Philip Rashleigh - 27/08/2018
We explore the differences between these two bespoke software development methods and which you should use for your project – Agile vs Waterfall.
Audacia doubles office space as headcount growth continues
Audacia - 19/08/2018
Audacia doubles office space by relocating to a 4,090 sq ft office at 46 The Calls, as we continue our strong headcount growth and new business wins.
Are manufacturers realising the value of the digital supply chain?
Adam Stirk - 12/08/2018
Are manufacturers realising the value of digitising their supply chain or are they shying away from progress? We explore this question here.
How to upgrade your legacy systems
Philip Rashleigh - 27/06/2018
We explain how to upgrade your legacy systems using a case study from a recent client project working to improve their systems.
Audacia partners with Specialist Marine Consultants (SMC)
Audacia - 11/06/2018
Audacia have partnered with Specialist Marine Consultants (SMC) to reform their existing legacy systems.