Insights on the latest industry developments and technology advancements within digital transformation.

How to deliver systems that meet employee need and business growth
How to deliver systems that meet employee need and business growth
Philip White - 15/08/2019
Our latest insight explores why bottom-up feedback matters and the steps you can take to keep your employees happy and your business scalable.
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The cost of legacy IT
The cost of legacy IT
Philip Rashleigh - 23/07/2019
With significant funds spent on keeping archaic applications functioning, business growth hindered and sales lost, legacy systems are expensive. And in addition to the tangible financial costs, legacy systems can negatively impact a business in other ways. Read this insight to find out more.
When an outsourced software development process is better than in-house IT
When an outsourced software development process is better than in-house IT
Mark Dyer - 19/06/2019
Your ability to deliver profit-first transformational solutions on time and within budget is paramount to success. Here we weigh up the benefits of an outsourced collaborative development process with an onshore supplier against in-house IT.
Delivering successful IT projects: A decision making framework for CIOs
Delivering successful IT projects: A decision making framework for CIOs
Adam Stirk - 12/06/2019
We’ve worked with many growth companies across a variety of industries and observed common themes in every CIO’s decision-making framework. Read this insight to find out more.
How to invest in AI & machine learning
How to invest in AI & machine learning
Philip White - 02/06/2019
AI and ML are the latest IT buzzwords that can easily be dismissed for fear of being introduced for the sake of it, or with the wrong intention. Here we discuss how to invest in AI.
The truth about legacy IT your COO wants you to know
The truth about legacy IT your COO wants you to know
Philip Rashleigh - 19/05/2019
With the reputation of your organisation largely riding on the efficacy of your technology, updating legacy IT systems in the right way is paramount to success. Here’s the truth your COO wants you to know.
The 5 hardest decisions IT leaders will make in 2019
The 5 hardest decisions IT leaders will make in 2019
Philip White - 17/04/2019
Here we explore five key decision-making challenges faced by CIOs globally as technology relentlessly marches on.
The stats CEOs need to measure digital transformation success
The stats CEOs need to measure digital transformation success
Mark Dyer - 28/03/2019
In this article, we explore the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you quantify the impact of your digital initiatives.
Audacia delivers bespoke tech tool for manufacturing institutes
Audacia delivers bespoke tech tool for manufacturing institutes
Audacia - 13/03/2019
Audacia transforms roadmap workshops for two leading manufacturing innovation institutes with a bespoke technology tool.
5 best practices for a successful systems integration project
5 best practices for a successful systems integration project
Philip Rashleigh - 18/12/2018
Here we look at our system integration practices to ensure that you maximise the potential of your existing software infrastructure without any drawbacks