Technical insights, stories and opinions from our team of consultants, analysts, developers and testers.

API Test Automation in QA Software Testing Services
API Test Automation in QA Software Testing Services
Richard Brown - 20/09/2021
Over the last few years, test automation has matured from being the cool new trend to something that every self-respecting software team uses. In our latest technology insight, we discuss how Audacia uses automated testing to target the API of an application and achieve quicker and more stable results.
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A software development company's guide to open sourcing code
A software development company's guide to open sourcing code
Richard Brown - 21/07/2021
Given how much we use open source software, it's in our interest to more actively support it. We therefore made the decision to open-source some of our own libraries. This article discusses some of the choices and challenges that we faced on this journey.
How Audacia implements Google OR-Tools into software development projects
How Audacia implements Google OR-Tools into software development projects
Owen Lacey - 20/07/2021
In this article, we will implement a simple optimisation model using Google OR-Tools by solving a classic Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP).
Software development speed: Angular template comparisons
Software development speed: Angular template comparisons
Liam Ward - 16/11/2018
For the past two years, the majority of Audacia's new web development projects have been built on a stack of an ASP.NET Core RESTful API and An Angular UI running within an ASP.NET Core project. For our latest insight we conducted a speed experiment to compare the two.
Software development frameworks: Blazor's first public preview
Software development frameworks: Blazor's first public preview
Jamie Taylor - 27/03/2018
First public preview of Microsoft's framework for creating web applications, Blazor.
Software development frameworks: Blazor (a new/old experiment)
Software development frameworks: Blazor (a new/old experiment)
Jamie Taylor - 12/02/2018
Blazor is the name of an experiment which Steve Sanderson has been running for eight months, namely: Can we run .NET in a web browser? Read our latest insight about our experiences with this framework.
Software development frameworks: .NET Core 2.0 Released
Software development frameworks: .NET Core 2.0 Released
Jamie Taylor - 28/08/2017
Recently, Microsoft have released a wide selection of new technologies, making the whole software development team at Audacia extremely excited.
Software Development Languages: JavaScript to TypeScript
Software Development Languages: JavaScript to TypeScript
Liam Ward - 09/05/2017
TypeScript is to JavaScript what which SASS and LESS are to CSS - a super-set of the language with additional functionality to improve the coding experience. Find out more about TypeScript in our latest insight.
Software Development Environments: Visual Studio 2017 Released
Software Development Environments: Visual Studio 2017 Released
Philip Rashleigh - 08/03/2017
On the 20th anniversary of Visual Studio, Microsoft have release the latest version of this technology - Visual Studio 2017.
.NET development: What you need to know about .NET Standard
.NET development: What you need to know about .NET Standard
Jamie Taylor - 01/02/2017
.NET Standard is just that: a standard. It's a document that has been prepared and actively maintained by the .NET Foundation, who oversee development on a large range of the projects either directly related to the .NET stack or which use the .NET platform. Find out more in this insight.